Ange believes that the best horse people are those who always want to learn; those who don’t get ‘stuck’ with particular ideas or methodologies; those who are willing to evolve according to the horse(s) they are dealing with; those who take their learnings from a variety of excellent teachers. Ange started her equestrian learning process as a youngster working at a riding school where she had the privilege of interacting with and learning from a gentle, unassuming ‘master’ horseman - Bill Rinaldi. Working intuitively and personally with up to 40 of the Rinaldi's Horses on any given day, was part of her job description at Mount View Riding School. This on the job learning was complimented by her unquenching desire to acquire knowledge relating to horses. Every book on horses at her local library was borrowed and devoured again and again. Ang continues to be a driven and motivated student of ultimately every horse she comes into contact with and this is integral to her professional practice. Beyond what she investigates according to her individual equine client’s needs, here are some of the ways Ang has studied and continues to study to help her favourite animals and their ‘significant humans’:
Leanne Williams | Equestrian Australia | Introductory Coaching After achieving the expectations of two years of Equestrian Australia study, Ange has now completed all her assessment and is a qualified and insured riding coach. With her tertiary teaching qualification, Graduate Diploma of Education already in her toolbox, she is excited about how much she will be able to offer the equestrian community as a ticketed riding instructor. The comprehensive practical tuition and thoroughly presented course of EA study, facilitated Ange joining the dots between what’s going on in the horse’s body and how the rider can help improve that. Ange has finished 2017 being the equivalent of a personal trainer and massage therapist wrapped up in one!
Healthguard First Aid Training Services | HLTAID003 Provide First Aid An accredited course designed to acquire competency in applying first aid in a variety of First Aid scenarios. The knowledge and skills enables to sustain life, reduce pain and minimise the consequences of injury and illness until professional help arrives. A must for anyone, particularly those working with horses. This is the third time Ange has completed end to end First Aid.
Painted Horse Demonstration: Pain Points in the Ridden Horse: Where, Why & The Bodywork, In-Hand & Riding and Training Ways to Eliminate Them In this educational, practical event participants gott an understanding of:
Debranne painted muscles of locomotion, balance and collection and associated bony landmarks as well as skeletal and muscular pain points associated with poor posture and movement. Debranne, Manolo and Dr. Mead worked alone and together in presenting their techniques. Manolo worked with the Painted Horse as well as additional horses to demonstrate healthy posture and movement and simple riding techniques to promote both.
Sharon May-Davis | Equine Scientist
Two Day Workshop: Rider BiomechanicsWith a focus on the horse’s physical outcomes, this two day workshop delved into how different disciplines affect the horse’s anatomy and biomechanics. Though many disciplines were looked at, there was a concentraion on dressage. FEI Grand Prix level rider and coach Leanne Williams, illustrated Sharon’s explanations of how a rider can change the horse both under saddle and on the ground. Attendees also explored how to improve the longevity of horse’s ridden lives. Furthermore there was lecturing and practicals on how to achieve the posture necessary for the competition horse and the impact riding has on the every day mount.
Dr Sandi Howlett | The Upledger Institute | Equine CranioSacral Therapy
In 2015 Ang accomplished the course work for CranioSacral Therapy – EcoSomatic Equine 1 (ESE1) and in August 2016, did EcoSomatic Equine 2 (ESE2) under the instruction of Dr Sandi Howlett. Ang now has the related case studies underway and is working towards a qualification in this exciting modality. Equine CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a manual therapy used to rebalance a horse’s muscles, fascia and nervous system. This light touch technique can improve underlying areas of dysfunction resulting in a more calm, responsive and willing horse with smoother movements and improved behavior. It is a highly compatible modality to utilise hand in hand with Bowen Therapy. Ange is now insured as a student practitioner and can professionally apply what she’s learned in her study to date
Leanne Williams | Equestrian Australia | Introductory Horse Management & Riding Certificate A worthwhile consideration for any horse person regardless of experience and fortunately for Ange and her peers, Leanne Williams of Avoca Park has an incredible depth of understanding to convey. The course covers the basic concepts of general horse management and riding, essential to the provision of minimum standards of horse welfare and practice. This course of study will take Ange down the path of being a qualified Equestrian Australia instructor, which will be a terrific value add to her clients in years to come.
Equinology | Online Course: Equine AnatomyEvery couple of years Ange is committed to undertaking a new anatomy course to keep refreshing and building on her knowledge of the equine under the skin! This particular course is highly recommended to anyone who takes their knowledge of horses seriously.
Dressage Riding Student As part of her ongoing evolution as a horse woman and therapist Ange has been having weekly lessons with Leanne Williams of Avoca Park. Leanne is an FEI dressage rider who has accomplished the following Equestrian Australia NCAS tickets: Level 3 Dressage, Level 1 General, Coach Educator and Level 2 Jumping Equitation Judge. Furthermore she's Australia's only qualified instructor in Philippe Karl's Ecole de Légèreté methodology. The classical inhand techniques Leanne has been teaching Ange are something she is now passing on to her clients in her therapy sessions. Leanne's understanding of biomechanics and anatomy is something that makes this body worker/instructor relationship particularly enriching. Furthermore Ange has had the pleasure of participating in clinics with European based instructors who also embrace Légèreté:
Here follows Ang’s review of her clinic with Nicole in March 2016:Some special teachers not only have an incredible depth of knowledge, but they have a wonderful passion, which means they can make a positive difference to so many. Last week I had the privilege of having four in-hand and riding lessons, plus theory with one such teacher - German instructor Nicole Weinauge. I am so grateful to Nicole for her knowledge and outstanding ability in conveying quite complex information, so well, at the Avoca Park Légèreté Clinic.I am sure other attendees will agree, that she very much individualised the curriculum according to the needs, strengths and weaknesses of each steed and successfully guided the rider, thus improving the outcomes for every participant. Particularly priceless is that she quickly ascertained and responded to the learning style of each student (in this case somewhat slow, requiring lots of repetition and needing a show 'n tell, hands on approach). The best moment for me out of many key take-outs, was a student/instructor hand to hand movement where she showed me, how to feel and thus respond to the horse's giving and taking. I think she should trademark that! As an equine body therapist I recommend the Philippe Karl methodology, the School of Legerete which Nicole teaches. It is suitable for all horse owners to incorporate into their training program, as it will help riders to acquire a better understanding of what their horse's muscles should be doing in-hand and under saddle and provides techniques to achieve greater balance and self carriage. If you are interested in learning more about optimising your horse's performance and overall physical outcomes have a chat with me re: the right direction to take to explore it.I hope that my trusty mount, Avoca Park school mare Louise felt that Nicole was helping me become a better rider... quick smart. Anyway I could write a minor thesis about her skillset. So much learnt in only a matter of days. So much more to learn.... come back soon Nicole!
Dr Carrie Schlachter is Medical Director of Circle Oak Equine in California and she lead the participants through four days of course information which is very much integral to every therapist’s job. The information was presented in a variety of approaches using specimens, live horses, slides, diagrams and high speed video. The attendees learnt to palpate to place markers for bone measurement, joint angle and inclination. High speed video allowed us to view horses in slow motion for an easier assessment. There was comprehensive investigation in to how conformation, gait and lameness relate to performance, physical and behavior issues. We were guided through the protocol of equine gait assessments on actual horses and learn how to diagram the footfalls of the horse. All this was followed up by eight days of case studies.
Dr Kerry Ridgway of Equine Therapetic Options, presented on a number of ‘barriers’ owners face when attempting to maintain equine soundness over time. Dr. Ridgway offered ways to ‘break those barriers’ and optimise the horses’ performance and wellness. His legacy will continue through his many students and extensive research.
Dr Mark Curtis | Equine Veterinarian - Chiropractor - Acupuncurist | One Day Workshop: Developing a better understanding of the equine musculoskeletal system Hosted by Wandarrah Estate, Dr Mark Curtis presented about how horses often experience musculoskeletal problems, affecting movement and behaviour. He explained and demonstrated:
Sharon May-Davis | Equine Scientist
Two Day Workshop: Anatomy & Palpation | A terrific workshop further developing feel and recognising what lies under the equine skin. Ang was pleased to be a participant in Sharon’s very first offering of this workshop in Australia, learning about the how, where and why of the muscles of the horse. Sharon’s video The Palpable Equine Muscles (which Ang had the pleasure of filming and editing with her audio visual specialist partner) illustrated this course, as did much hands on application of the theory. For those interested, the video can be previewed and purchased via Three Day: Full Equine Dissection | A seminal, enlightening experience of learning from the life of an off the track Thoroughbred - RIP Mac. Key takeouts revolved around how the ‘textbook is on the table’ - opening the eyes of the therapists and Vets who were present to the variations that can lie within the horse. Ang was offered the opportunity to meet the donated horse prior to the dissection and in due course was provided with the confronting realisation that what horses show us and what the steed is experiencing under the skin can be quite the anomaly. Two Day Workshop: Advanced Biomechanics - The Colourful Appeal of Form Vs Function | This clinic was an extension of the three days Ang did with Sharon May-Davis in Basic Biomechanics as part of her Equine Bowen Diploma. There was further explanation of the range of motion of the vertebral column, limb dynamics were elaborated on, as were issues relating to domestication, melanomas and muscle type and function. Other topics covered, deemed to be performance limiting such as dwarfism, atavism and other incumbent issues were introduced and supported by relevant findings. Plus discussions related to current topics based on research such as tendon boots, floating and the research published by Sharon May-Davis were also on the table.
Carola Adolf | Naturopathic Equine Podiatrist | Equine Soundness| One Day Workshop: Hoofcare - What Every Horse Person Needs To Know - further to a day Ange spent learning about the hoof from Andrew Bowe, The Barefoot Blacksmith, during her Diploma of Equine Bowen studies, this clinic was a theoretical and practical application to broaden her understanding from the perspective of a different hoof care specialist. Carola covered equine lifestyle, evolution, hoofcare, basic anatomy and physiology of the horse's hoof, the good the bad and the ugly of modern hoof care and how to recognize trouble before it becomes a problem.
Leanne Williams | FEI rider - Equestrian Australia Coach - Philippe Karl's Ecole de Légèreté Instructor | Two Day Workshop: Joining The Dots between equine body therapy & equine posture for ridingA two day workshop that is a wonderful bonus in a bodyworker’s repertoire. Leanne Williams of Avoca Park complemented Ange’s solid understanding of equine anatomy and therapy practice, with theory and practical training that can be applied to every horse regardless of breed or discipline. Ang came out of the practical and theoretical lectures being able to offer her clients exercises that will assist muscular and skeletal improvement of their steed. The workshop offered skills that will help with rehabilitation at every stage of horse ownership and most importantly prevention of problems in the first place.
St John Ambulance - Two Day Workshop: Apply First Aid A two day accredited course designed to acquire competency in applying first aid in a variety of First Aid scenarios. The knowledge and skills enables to sustain life, reduce pain and minimise the consequences of injury and illness until professional help arrives. A must for anyone, particularly those working with horses.
Equine Body Therapy | Four Day Workshop: Soft Tissue Assessment Response Testing Module 1 & 2 Four days of skill acquisition around systematically assessing a horse and developing an understanding of the areas of the body that are contributing to soreness, imbalance and other issues.
Lea Smart | Smart Bowen Therapy International College | Diploma of Equine Bowen TherapyHosted by registered training organisation [RTO #21910] Smart Bowen, this comprehensive course sat under the umbrella of Nationally Recognised Training (Australian Qualifications Framework), which provided Ang with not only outstanding training through 2013 and the first half of 2014, but when she graduated she was entitled to comprehensive insurance and three professional accreditations:
Ange was required to undertake practical and theoretical coursework and assessments, plus over 100 case studies. Ange had the incredible privilege of one on one practical training with Lea Smart and this focused application allowed for constant monitoring of how she was learning. There was extensive assessment in both practical and theory, papers to be researched and written and exams to be undertaken. The Bowen technique addresses all soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia), it also has a profound affect on the skeleton, internal organs, lymphatic system, meridians and acupuncture/acupressure points as well as releasing trigger and stress points. Bowen Therapy is therefore a physical and vibrational therapy that encourages the body to homestasis. Bowen Therapy is supportive to other equine industries and used in conjunction with, can expedite excellent results with dentistry, hoof, veterinary care and other complimentary health approaches. Ang achieved a total of seventeen competencies:
Equine Smart Bowen Specialisation Units
Work within an Equine Bowen Therapy framework
Provide the equine Bowen Therapy health assessment
Plan the Equine Bowen Therapy treatment strategy
Provide the Equine Bowen Therapy treatments
Apply skills in advanced Equine Bowen Therapy
Core Units
Apply First Aid
Comply with infection control policies and procedures in health work
Administer a practice
Make referrals to other health care professionals when appropriate
Prepare for animal care work
Provide basic first aid for animals
Follow OHS procedures in an animal care environment
Apply Occupational Health and Safety procedures in an equine environment
Handle horses safely
Apply the principles of basic anatomy and physiology to horses
Assessment of health and first aid for horses
Recognise breeds, behaviour traits, conformation and movement of horses
University of Ballarat - Graduate Diploma of Education - double method A comprehensive tertiary degree that set Ange up for her outstanding educational skills. As any of her clients will attest and those who have experienced her public speaking - she has a passion for education and the professional development and ability to successfully teach. This qualification is standing behind Ange when she presents to large audiences, as was experienced at the inaugural Farm World Equestrian Expo - when she presented two master classes.
University of Melbourne - Bachelor of Arts One of the best liberal educations you can receive in Australia. Studying at this tier one University was a privilege and second to none in development of writing ability, public speaking and research. This course was studied back in the day prior to frequent use of computers to develop major papers. So Ange’s organisational ability to develop 10,000 word plus essays without the ability to cut and paste, enabled her skill development in writing. Subsequently she’s gone on to be a contributor as a freelance writer with numerous published pieces including in The Age.
University of Ballarat - Bachelor of Visual Arts - Painting Major Ange’s ability to see what is going on with her equine clients in her biomechanical and lameness assessments is exceptional. She puts this down to her professional development in the space AND her ability to paint with photographic realism! Of course being a horse aficionado the main theme of her continued creative work, is all things equine!!! You can see some of her work here!
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